An elderly person lived in the town. He was one of the most awful individuals on the planet. The entire town was burnt out on him; he was consistently desolate, he continually griped and was consistently feeling awful.

The more he lived, the more bile he was turning out to be and the more harmful were his words. Individuals dodged him, since his hardship got infectious. It was even unnatural and offending to be glad close to him.

He made the sentiment of misery in others.

Be that as it may, at some point, when he turned eighty years of age, an extraordinary thing occurred. Immediately everybody began hearing the gossip:

"An Old Man is cheerful today, he doesn't whine about anything, grins, and even his face is spruced up."

The entire town assembled. The elderly person was inquired:

Resident: What transpired?

"Not much. Eighty years I've been pursuing joy, and it was futile. And afterwards I chose to live without joy and simply appreciate life. That is the reason I'm glad at this point."

Lesson of the story:

Try not to pursue satisfaction. Make a mind-blowing most.

As you read this story of an old man, will come to know about the happiness. Getting happiness is not a hard target. There is only one way to get it, that is share your happiness to others. Others people can get joy after knowing that you are happy.

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