The Lion and The Poor Slave 

A slave, abused by his lord, flees to the backwoods. There he runs over a lion in torment as a result of a thistle in his paw. The slave fearlessly goes ahead and eliminates the thistle delicately. 

The lion without harming him disappears. 

Occasionally later, the slave driver comes chasing to the backwoods and gets numerous creatures and pens them. The slave is spotted by the experts' men who get him and carry him to the brutal ace. 

The ace requests the captive to be tossed into the lion's pen. 

The slave is anticipating his passing in the pen when he understands that it is a similar lion that he had made a difference. The slave protected the lion and all other confined creatures. 

Lesson of the story: 

One should help other people out of luck, we receive the awards of our accommodating demonstrations consequently.

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