The Needle Tree 

There lived two siblings close to a woodland. The senior one was mean to the more youthful sibling – he would complete all the food and wear all the new garments of his more youthful sibling. At some point, the senior sibling chose to go into the timberland to get some kindling and sell it in the market. As he went around, hacking tree after tree, he discovered an otherworldly tree. The tree stated, "Goodness good sir, kindly don't cut my branches. In the event that you save me, I will give you brilliant apples." He concurred, however was left frustrated with the quantity of apples the tree gave him. As ravenousness conquered him, he compromised the tree that he will cut the whole trunk in the event that it didn't give him more apples. The supernatural tree, rather, showered upon the senior sibling, hundreds and many minuscule needles. The senior sibling lay on the ground, crying in torment, as the sun set. 

The more youthful sibling was concerned thus he went looking for his senior sibling. He discovered him lying in torment close to the tree, with many needles on his body. He hurried to his sibling and eliminated each needle, affectionately and delicately. After he completed, the senior sibling apologized for abusing him and vowed to be better. The tree saw the adjustment in the senior sibling's heart and gave them all the brilliant apples they could actually require. 

Lesson of the Story 

It is essential to be benevolent and thoughtful, as it will consistently be remunerated.

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