The Golden Touch 

Once there carried on an insatiable man in an unassuming community. He was exceptionally rich, and he adored gold and everything extravagant. However, he adored his girl more than anything. At some point, he risked upon a pixie. The pixie's hair was trapped in a couple of tree limbs. He got her out, yet as his avarice dominated, he understood that he had a chance to get more extravagant by requesting a desire consequently (by getting her out). The pixie conceded him a desire. He stated, "All that I contact should go to gold." And his desire was allowed by the appreciative pixie. 

The covetous man surged home to educate his significant other and little girl concerning his desire, at the same time contacting stones and rocks and watching them convert into gold. When he returned home, his girl hurried to welcome him. When he bowed down to scoop her up in his arms, she transformed into a gold sculpture. He was crushed and begun crying and attempting to resurrect his little girl. He understood his indiscretion and spent the remainder of his days looking for the pixie to remove his desire. 

Lesson of the Story 

Ravenousness will consistently prompt destruction.

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