The Proud Rose 

Some time ago, there was a delightful rose plant in a nursery. One rose bloom on the plant was glad for its excellence. In any case, it was baffled that it was becoming close to an appalling desert flora. Consistently, the rose would affront the desert flora about its looks, yet the prickly plant remained calm. The various plants in the nursery attempted to prevent the rose from tormenting the desert plant, yet the rose was too influenced by its own excellence to tune in to anybody. 

One summer, a well in the nursery evaporated and there was no water for the plants. The rose gradually started to wither. The rose saw a sparrow dunk its bill into the desert plant for some water. The rose at that point felt embarrassed for having ridiculed the desert plant this time. But since it needed water, it went to inquire as to whether it could have some water. The benevolent prickly plant concurred, and the two of them overcame summer as companions. 

Lesson of the Story 

Never judge somebody by the manner in which they look.

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