The Boy Who Cried Wolf 

In a town, carried on a joyful kid with his dad. The kid's dad disclosed to him that he was mature enough to look out for the sheep while they nibble in the fields. Consistently, he needed to take the sheep to the green fields and watch them as they munch. Be that as it may, the kid was troubled and didn't have any desire to take the sheep to the fields. He needed to run and play, not watch the exhausting sheep munch in the field. In this way, he chose to have a great time. He cried, "Wolf! Wolf!" until the whole town came running with stones to pursue away the wolf before it could eat any of the sheep. At the point when the townspeople saw that there was no wolf, they left murmuring faintly about how the kid had burnt through their time. The following day, the kid cried again, "Wolf! Wolf!" and, once more, the residents hurried there to pursue the wolf away. 

The kid chuckled at the fear he had caused. This time, the residents left furiously. The third day, as the kid went up the little slope, he unexpectedly observed a wolf assaulting his sheep. He cried as hard as possible, "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!", however not a solitary resident came to support him. The locals believed that he was attempting to trick them again and didn't act the hero him or his sheep. The young man lost numerous sheep that day, all due to his stupidity. 

Lesson of the Story 

It is hard to confide in individuals who lie, so it's imperative to consistently be honest.

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