The Elephant and Her Friends 

The Elephant and Her Friends story

Sometime in the distant past, a solitary elephant advanced into a peculiar backwoods. It was new to her, and she was hoping to make companions. She moved toward a monkey and stated, "Hi, monkey! Might you want to be my companion?" The monkey stated, "You are too huge to swing like me, so I can't be your companion." The elephant at that point went to a bunny and posed a similar inquiry. The bunny stated, "You are too large to fit in my tunnel, so I can't be your companion." The elephant additionally went to the frog in the lake and posed a similar inquiry. The frog answered, "You are too hefty to even consider jumping as high as me, so I can't be your companion." 

The elephant was truly tragic on the grounds that she was unable to make companions. At that point, at some point, she saw all the creatures running further into the woodland, and she asked a bear what the object was about. The bear stated, "The lion is unhindered – they are running from him to spare themselves." The elephant went up to the lion and stated, "Kindly don't hurt these blameless individuals. If you don't mind disregard them." The lion sneered and requested that the elephant clear out. At that point, the elephant blew up and pushed the lion energetically, harming him. The various creatures came out gradually and began to celebrate about the lion's destruction. They went to the elephant and said to her, "You are the perfect size to be our companion!" 

Lesson of the Story 

An individual's size doesn't decide their value.

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