The Woodcutter and the Golden Axe 

There was previously a woodcutter, buckling down in the woodland, getting wood to sell for some food. As he was cutting a tree, his hatchet coincidentally fell into the stream. The waterway was profound and was streaming truly quick – he lost his hatchet and couldn't discover it once more. He sat at the bank of the waterway and sobbed. 

While he sobbed, the God of the stream emerged and asked him what occurred. The woodcutter disclosed to him the story. The God of the waterway offered to help him by searching for his hatchet. He vanished into the waterway and recovered a brilliant hatchet, yet the woodcutter said it was not his. He vanished again and returned with a silver hatchet, however the woodcutter said that was not his either. The God vanished into the water again and returned with an iron hatchet – the woodcutter grinned and said it was his. The God was dazzled with the woodcutter's genuineness and talented him both the brilliant and silver tomahawks. 

Lesson of the Story 

Honesty is the best policy.

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